Q: Is the W.A School of Pathology Training accredited training?
A: Yes, our training has been accredited for 30+ years.
Common Questions Asked
Q: How do I apply for a WASP training session?
A: WASP will require you to fill out an enrolment form, either by completing the form online and submitting it through or by downloading the form.
If you choose to download the enrolment you will need to email the form back to WASP with either full or half payment to secure your place.
(there is a limit of $1000 that will be accepted before the training)
Q: What does it mean when a training organisation is government recognised?
A: It means that under the RTO guidelines we are nationally recognised by the Australian government and teach to the high standards and guidelines.

Q: Can I get government assistance to help pay for the training?
A: We do have students that are eligible for government assistance, you would need to take our web address and contact information to your job provider, and it is all based on the student's personal circumstance/s.
Q: If I want to further study, and the units I have completed successfully with WASP are also in the other study package, can I get RPL for these units?
A: It is generally up to the companies policy and procedures, but as we are nationally recognised with our training, and if you have successfully been deemed competent then Yes, you will need to show evidence on completion of the training with us, and we can help with this as all student assessment's/work are kept on file for 30 years.
Q: Do you help find work/jobs?
A: We do say use us as a reference as we have been successfully training for more than 20 years and hold a very good reputation all over Australia, but please keep in mind that we are a training organisation just like a TAFE or University, we teach student/s pathology skills, and it is then up to that individual person to then decide and accomplish what goals they have for themselves with the outcome they achieve from our training.
Q: I have got work placement pending to complete my 35 hours for the HLTPAT002 unit, but the company I'm doing this through wants me to get my own insurance?
A: Yes, we can help, we have insurance cover for students needing this for the work placement, you just need to email us the details and we can send you a copy of the certificate of currency.
Q: I have applied for work but there is nothing being advertised?
A: Unfortunately we can't control the medical employment field or countries economic employment state, as we are a training organisation, and not an employment agency. It is up to each individual student to seek, and apply for work. Jobs do come and go in this field all the time, some states are busier than others, but as explained, we can't control this nor control the employability outcomes given to students after attending the training, work is achievable from the WASP training, and has help thousands of people further their careers. Some students have also decided to go on and study more units of competency to add on to what they have already completed with WASP.
Q: I attended a training and really enjoyed my time spend with WASP, do you do any other training?
A: WASP is continuously improving and adding to our training, the company will only deliver accredited training, so it does take some time to get each training package up to high standards, and registered with TAC.
Any updates on new training will be on our website, and can also be found on our face book page: W.A School of Pathology.
As the medical field grows with demands WASP endeavours to grow with our training offered.

Q: What is CPD Point?
A: Continuing professional development is the means by which members of the clinical profession maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge, expertise and competence, and develop the personal and professional qualities required throughout their professional lives.
The CPD cycle involves reviewing practice, identifying learning needs, planning and participating in relevant learning activities, and reflecting on the value of those activities.
Q: How many CPD hours/points will I achieve for completing this Program?
A: 8 CPD Hours.
For Registered and Enrolled Nurses and Midwives, our recommendation, based on previous student experience for this training is approximately 8 CPD Hours.
For all other health professionals completing this program, your continuing professional development (CPD) requirements may vary and it is important to remember that it is your responsibility to maintain and register CPD with your professional body. In many instances, your regulatory authority will recognise hours of learning as stated above.
Q: What is observed practice/work placement
A: Observed practice is when a student demonstrates within their workplace, skills and knowledge learned as a part of a training program. The observer’s role is to confirm the transfer of skills to the workplace not to assess competency.
As a Registered Training Organisation, we are required to gather evidence of a student’s ability to transfer skills and knowledge from the classroom environment to the work environment. We use workplace observation as evidence of this transfer.
Q: Is there an age requirement to be able to study through WASP?
A: There is a minimum age requirement of 17 years old, graduating high school and going into further studies.
Q: Is there Prerequisite?
A: No there is no prerequisites for the units WASP teaches, but there are requirements in order to study with WASP:
You must understand the English language, and be able to read and write English well.
If this is not the case for yourself then an interpreter must be organised and you will need to speak to the director of the company about this.
A LLN form will be sent to students who are regarded as non literate with English.
Q: Can I study one unit of competency, as I only need the blood collection unit?
A: Yes, contact us direct, and we will talk to you about your options